Monday, May 25, 2009

FaiLs To underStand. . . . . . .

the only question i don't understand- is- me ? myself?

my mind fails to understand why the turmoil persists when it cud be avoided

my mind fails to understand- why do i survive in dual personalities

my mind fails to understand- the wicked words of my cheapness

my mind fails to understand the truthful me!

my mind fails to understand- the hidden glow of darkness that my soul is in!

my mind fails to understand- that i would some day be out of this world not in the form of lost soul as it would stay but the forgotten memories of the last form i would stay with my body .

my mind fails to understand - why do i keep running from what i should accept

my mind fails to understand - that even when i know the weirdest realities why the insane mind fails to implement

my mind fails to understand - that when it understands all this, why still it fails to understand..............

1 comment:

  1. A pet peeve of mine 'cud' = 'could'
    I feel exactly the same and I'm sure others too.Pretty baffling this thing called life, hey? Your words rang true for me.


"welcome! may you cherish your life"